Thursday 3 March 2011

Complete computer generated pigeon

The pigeons coming along but theres still a lot that needs adjusting. It looks quite lumpy at the moment.

I adjusted all the lumpy section but realised that I didn't consider how the pigeon would look top down at the moment it still looks quite box like.

After adjusting the shape of the body, I made the curves curved and also added a smooth modifier to make it smoother. I still need to adjust the beak, wings, legs and make the face more curved.

I made the wings look less like aeroplane wings. I added a little feathered edge to it to give them more shape, I also did this for the tail. I decided not to model separate feathers like I did with my plastecine model, this would take way too long and wouldn't make my pigeon look very realistic. I realised half way through modeling my pigeon how to use the symmetry modifier. I should have used this at the start of modeling my pigeon it would have saved so much work.

I showed this pigeon to a couple of my friends to see what they thought of it and they suggested that I should make the neck of the pigeon longer and the head slightly smaller. I did this and it looked so much better.

The final Pigeon model

This is my final model and I'm really pleased with it, it took a lot longer than I expected it to and I'm sure theres a better way to model something, but for what I'm using it for I think its a pretty good simple model.
I showed the pigeon to may group and I think they liked it.

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