Tuesday 29 March 2011

Disaster With the pigeon

I did something very stupid with the pigeon animation. In 3Ds Max you have layers, so a edit poly layer (for the model) a skin layer and a rigg layer. You ususally collapse the editable layers to make the file size smaller. I collapsed the rigged layer, saved the file and then shut down my computer when I reopened it the animation for the skeleton was still there but the skeleton was no longer attached to the pigeon. I bascially deleted the rigg layer, what makes it even worse is that 3Ds Max comes up with a box to say are you sure you want to do this it could delete everything, but because I was in a rush I just ignored the warnings signs and did it anyway.

To fix this problem I would have to re-rigg the skeleton to the model. Luckily I saved my project as a separate file before I rigged my model so now all I have to do is rigg it again and animate it. To make sure the pigeon is finished on time I'm going have to work extra hard.

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