Saturday 26 March 2011

Last of the Filming Woooo

Last day of filming. Last night we had try to film again but there was some confusion about who was getting out the camera and we ended up not having one. That was an annoying disaster which could have easily been avoided.

Again we had hardly any zombies, even less than last time, there was some talk about putting off filming again but I definitely didn't want to do that. I thought we'd just have to accept that were not going to have the amount of zombies we'd want and we'd just have to make do with what we've got.

Everyone seemed a bit distracted while filming today we ended up filming a strange crazy man dancing on the path for a while. It was funny a first but then I realised that our volunteer zombies were starting to get bored and wanted to get home. It was difficult to try and re-focus everyone especially since the police then turned up to try and move on the crazy dancing man.

We then moved on to film at city hall we filmed the footage with the volunteer zombies first so they could get off home. We did a scene where I would be drooling fake blood that was quite gross, it didn't taste very nice and I couldn't help but giggle part the way through.

We didn't finish filming as early as I would have like, it means we've got less time to edit.

I'm glad I don't have to put that gross fake blood on anymore.

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