Wednesday 9 March 2011


First things first the zombie make up. Rachael came up with this awesome concoction of ribena, coffee and corn flower which really looked like blood. She used PVA as a base coat and then covered us in face paint and the fake blood. It looked horrible and didn't smell very nice but it did the job really well. I swear when Rachael was putting it on me she was delibrately aiming for my nose and mouth. She would just get a massive handful of this smelly stuff and then just smear it all over our faces it was quite funny to watch, thats if you weren't the person getting attacked by Rachael. I don't think me skin really like being smothered by all of this stuff, it started to burn up to start off with but it seem to calm down once we'd got out in the cold. We didn't have that many zombies anyway I didn't really want to pull out as well.

The first day of filming was quite funny. We got all zombied up went down to the train station and couldn't figure out how to work the sound on the camera. It was freezing cold and we were standing around for about an hour. We were in the middle of fiddling around with the camera and the train station lights went out after that we decided to call it a night and we'd figure out how to work the camera tomorrow. As soon as we left the lights mysteriously came back on again so we were wondering whether they had turned the lights off just to get rid of us.

It was quite frustrating that we couldn't film that first night because I felt like we let down the people who did come out to be zombies.

When I washed off the paint my face didn't look too red so I sue it'll be fine to be a zombie again.

The second day of filming went a lot smoother. There was a lot of struggle to get people out to be zombies. In the end I had to tempt people with brownies, that got a couple of people out but no where near the number we needed.

We figured out why the camera sound wasn't working properly it was quite funny. It was because there was so much sound that the camera just cut the sound out. This was due to us being quite close to the fountain. Luckily this time the fountain had been turned off. We thought we should work quickly just incase the lights decided to turn off again.

We got the camera all working fine the only problem was getting Jorden to get his lines right. It was a freezing cold night again and in one scene I had to be lying on the floor. Luckily Jorden managed to get that scene done quite quickly. The scene that took the longest was the scene by the work station. We ended up with about 30mins about of footage of Jorden saying his line and then swearing because he messed up, it was quite amuzing to look back at.

Because we didn't have that many zombies we decided to only do the sections where we didn't really need them, and it was freezing so we didn't want to be out too long.

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